Hi! I’m Brenda a Latina Blogger living in San Antonio, Texas. I write about food, travel, crafts, family and living the best of two worlds!
Contact me at [email protected]
- Sponsored blog post <>
- Social Media Campaigns
- Consulting
- Press trips
- Spanish TV appearances
- Attending events
- Brand Ambassadorships
- Sponsored Giveaways.
- Ghost Writer
- Translation services English-Spanish
All of my posts follow FTC disclosure guidelines. We do not cover book reviews, sex, or politics.
Media kit available upon request. [email protected]

latina blogger in san Antonio, TX
Hi! I’m Brenda! I’m a former Dallas blogger now living in San Antonio, Texas with my husband, our three bicultural kids and Lex, our schnauzer furry friend.
I was born and raised in Monterrey, México, we moved to Dallas in 2005. I’m a native Spanish speaker that’s why is easier for me to share our adventures in this blog in Spanish.
I started blogging in 2009. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Accounting and an SMU Digital Marketing Certification (2019).
We love to share about food, traveling, Texas things to do, Disney, entertainment, culture, product reviews, crafts, giveaways and other relevant topics for Spanish- speaking families.
Our readers are mostly Latina women, looking for advice and tips about traveling with kids, trying new products, movies, cooking, keeping traditions, having fun, saving tips, etc. My readers love giveaways!
I started sharing my family recipes so my kids can find them when they need them. Now, I keep sharing recipes and restaurant recommendations with my readers; they love food, snacks, and drinks!
My readers also enjoy my travel posts; I share about our family (and extended) family trips around the USA and México. I also share about Disney trips and Disney cruises as part of Disney Social Media Moms.
I’ve also traveled solo for press trips and social media conferences. I’m a member of Texas Travel Talk a community of bloggers that write about traveling in Texas.
I have been in several Press junkets such as COCO, Doctor Strange, and The Incredibles, invited to by Walt Disney Studios and Pixar. I have attended important events such as COCO movie red carpet, Telemundo Studios Digital Influencer, and the Billboards Awards.
I usually have general admission screening passes for my followers in the Dallas area as well as I attend sometimes the premiers with my family.
I’ve been invited to Telemundo 39 and Univision 23 Spanish language segments to talk about crafts, recycling, movies, and easy recipes.
Check this video I made for Telemundo Acceso Total with Adriana López during the pandemic. This made was made at my home to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

As a Texas influencer I get a lot of invitations to places and media events, some of them are published on my blog.
I’ve been invited to speak to We All Grow Conference about Pinterest, and also to the Texas Travel Association Industry as a panelist about Texas Travel.
You can read more of my Blogger story in this San Antonio Voyage Magazine interview.

I’m Brenda, a passionate digital content creator, I like to meet new people and cultures; love tacos, coffee, cooking, museums, movies, and Disney.
My husband loves gadgets, grilling, coffee, and tequila.
We have two boys, one 16 years old and the other 20, that love video games, swimming, gymnastics, fishing, Star Wars, Disney and movies.
My daughter is 12 years old and she loves to play outdoors, arts and crafts, movies, gymnastics, make up, making videos, and playing video games.

Lex, our furry friend who is a five-year-old silver schnauzer that has his own Instagram account and has participated in some pet’s campaigns.
We all love road trips and traveling (even Lex), food, music, and fiestas!
- As @MejorandoMiHogar on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. Twitter as @mejoramihogar
- DFW area as @DallasMoviesAndFun at Instagram, Facebook
- Lex, my furry friend’s Instagram: @tex_mex_schnauzer

Hola Soy Brenda Cisneros, nací y crecí en Monterrey, México. Actualmente Viví en Dallas, Texas por quince años y ahora vivo en San Antonio, Texas con mi esposo, tres hijos y Lex nuestro schnauzer.
Estudié Contaduría Pública en FACPYA, U.A.N.L. y tengo una Certificación en Mercadotecnia Digital de SMU.
He estado blogueando desde el 2009 . Me encanta compartir con mis lectores nuestras experiencias, ideas y tips.
Mis temas favoritos son: películas, comida, viajes, Disney, tecnología, revisiones de productos, sorteos y otros temas familiares.
Me encantaría trabajar contigo! Mi media kit está disponible bajo pedido.
Estos son algunos de los servicios que te puedo ofrecer para promover tu marca o producto:
- Artículos pagados en mi blog.
- Revisiones de productos.
- Fiestas en Twitter.
- Campañas de redes sociales.
- Atender eventos.
- Embajadora de marcas.
- Sorteos pagados.
- Escritor fantasma.
- Traducciones Inglés a Español.
- Creación y manejo de redes sociales.
- Consultas sobre redes sociales.
Aceptamos compensación por reviews o revisiones de productos, se requiere una muestra del producto a revisar, que no será devuelta. Siempre se da nuestra opinión mas honesta sobre los productos revisados.
Para trabajar con nosotros, puedes llenar la forma de contacto o escribir a mejorandomihogar @ gmail . com
Todo mi trabajo sigue las regulaciones del FTC.
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