Doctor Strange: Supreme Sorcerer, the film that tells the origin story of the mystical superhero, with mind-blowing visuals never seen before and that you shouldn’t miss in 3D this weekend!
Doctor Strange is a new superhero to many of us, but not to comic book lovers and those who lived in the 1960s.

As a mom of two teenagers, I’ve seen most superhero movies and was very curious to see Doctor Strange: Supreme Sorcerer; because it presents a very powerful sorcerer as a superhero who uses magic to enter other dimensions.
Director Scott Dickenson introduces us to the story based on the 1960s comics, those of Stan Lee and Steve Dicko; adapting it to a modern movie of superheroes. The visual effects are colorful, psychedelic and spectacular; inspired by Steve Dicko’s art.

Benedict Cumberbatch is great in the role of the famous and arrogant neurosurgeon Stephen Strange, a man who has it all and due to an accident caused by a text message (very much according to our time) loses the ability to continue using his hands.
Because of her desperation, she damages her relationship with her partner Dr. Christine Palmer (Rachel Mc Adams), and travels to Nepal to seek help. Karl Mordo introduces Him to The Ancient One, that’s where the skeptical Dr. Stephen Strange learns to open his mind to unimaginable possibilities, on a journey that will turn him into Doctor Strange, Supreme Sorcerer
Tilda Swinton impresses in her magical and mysterious role of The Ancient One, a role in which Director Scott Dickenson breaks the stereotype of Asian man; she teaches unexplained lessons to the disbelieving Doctor Strange who must open her mind and forget everything she knows about this Universe so far.

L to R: The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) and Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Photo Credit: Film Frame
©2016 Marvel. All Rights Reserved.
Benedict Wong is another of the characters he changed, from being a servant in the original comic to being the vigilante library of the Sanctum Sanctorum (interview next week on the blog).
The scenes of martial arts fights between the good and the bad are impressive, never before seen, the floors and walls of the cities open making them more difficult, all with the movements of the hands of the sorcerers.
In the film, you can see three dimensions, the astral, the mirror, and the dark dimension, all with colorful and psychedelic effects.

Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen) is the film’s villain, who was also an apprentice of The Ancient One, but is disappointed in her because he believes he hides details from him from other dimensions. Kaecilius could end the life of the planet.

In addition to the martial arts, Doctor Strange’s magic and powers are due to objects such as the levitation layer that has its own mindset and allows it to fly, as well as the Eye of Agamotto, an amulet that allows you to open portals to enter other dimensions, among other powers.
I’ve seen her, but I’m definitely going with my husband and kids this weekend to see her. The only strong scene in the film is at first, where beheading is referenced, but it does not contain blood.
Doctor Strange, the most anticipated movie of the year, has excellent messages for Marvel fans, and some humor, it is PG-13 and you can watch it from today in theaters, I recommend it in IMAX 3D!
Oh, and stay till the end of the credits for a surprise!
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